JM: Did you get off early based on good behavior? Pat: There is no getting off for good behavior in county
jail. You can get work credits on a county sentence
or county probation. But the concept of good
behavior is more linked with comp time on a prison
sentence which i did end up getting. Sam: It depends on the charges and sentence. I could
not because I had a mandatory minimum sentence.
JM: What is the most time off you can receive for good behavior? Pat: I eventually was sentenced to a 6 flat which i
received a year off for comp time. meaning
automatically it was taken off my sentence but it
was over my head and could be re applied should i
get in trouble in prison. Sam: It really depends on the sentence, but you could
save yourself a good portion of your time if you
stay out of trouble.
JM: What types of actions do you need to avoid in order to get time off? Did you ever witness somebody losing time off for good behavior? Pat: Essentially you can't do anything that would cause
you to go to lockup. fighting, intoxication, sexual
activity, non compliance, and generally anything
prohibited in the book. Sam: Not fighting or catching any severe charges is the
key. Easier said than done oftentimes. There's
always so much going on that people catch
institutional charges all of the time. However,
if you can learn to navigate around the trouble,
then you can get through it. Many people find a
way to avoid trouble by minding their business and
not trying to be someone they're not.