JM: How many meals did you get per day? Pat: we eat 3 meals per day. Sam: There are 3 meals served per day.
JM: How would you rate the food? Please give details of why. Pat: at first when i was there, the food rated a 4. jail
food is usually tasteless because they are cooking
for a large crowd so they dont really season it too
much or anything plus there is lots of laxatives
and things in case of poisoning. after tasting
other jails foods, i rerate middlesex to be a 7. Sam: If you're new to the prison food, then it's
horrible. The quality is poor, and you usually
have to fight to get through it. However, over
time you get used to it and you actually start to
look forward to certain dishes, like chicken
nights. It's all about imagining it's better than
it really is.
JM: Did you have any favorite/least favorite meals? Pat: the breakfast meals are usually the best because
its hard to mess up pancakes with sausages and
cereal. the worst meal is this turkey ham cylinder
that looks and tastes like a hockey puck. Sam: As mentioned before, chicken nights were the best.
For breakfast, pancake days were the best.
Mostly, anything with a good protein count became
a favorite.
JM: Were there any other snacks offered outside of meals? What was commissary like and how expensive was it? Pat: outside of regular meals, they bring soup to the
pods which is good because it's usually very cold
due to the air conditioning. commissary has soup
and junk food. lots of chips, cookies, pastries,
pouched fish and condiments to go with everything.
Ramen noodles are 1.10 per soup s just imagine how
much the commissary companies make. the contract
was given to christine whitmans husbands friends
companies when she was governor. Sam: Yes, there was the commissary to buy from. Most
items were decently priced, but you can only buy
so much because of limits imposed on quantity of
each item and total amount spent on your order.