JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process: Tom: I bailed out 20 days after the arrest. Abe: I had multiple court dates for motions etc. It was a
long drawn out process and very debilitating
mentally. I had about 6 court dates in 6 months
before I was sentenced to time served. I looked at
it more as torture to my mental state before finally
being released.
JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested. Tom: I was arrested leaving a post office with five
and half pounds of mushrooms. I was pulled over,
removed from my car, handcuffed and taken away.
We were targeted they knew the mushrooms were
coming in so they were just waiting. Abe: I was arrested on a bench warrant by the New York
State Police agency in Williamson NY. I was
initially pulled over for a vehicle and traffic
violation. I was also operating the vehicle without
a valid NYS license for an automobile. My bail was
set at aboout 1600 dollars.
JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall. Tom: I was apprehensive, curious as to what was going
on with the case, how people knew what was going
on. I was nervous because I was looking at some
serious jail time. Always thinking shoulda,
coulda, woulda... Abe: The judge was very rushed and mean. I think this was
do the the fact I got arrested at about midnight and
the judge had to be called in to arraign me after
hours. The court was held in what looked to be a
barn like building on Rt 104
JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of? Tom: Criminal possession of controlled substance. I
copped to 2nd degree possession of controlled
substance. Abe: I was charged with petit larceny, aggravated driving
without a license, unlawful possession of marijuana.
I was convicted of AUO 3rd.