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Good Behavior

Interview with Mary, D Bo, Joel and Trevor

JM: Did you get off early based on good behavior?
Mary: No, I did not. I served my entire 3 months. Even though it was crowded most of the time, they still made me do my complete time that was sentenced to me which is okay because I wasn't hoping to get out early. I knew I had 3 months and I was ready to do 3 months.
D Bo: They dont have any such thing as Good time for Good behavior. Like i said before you will get locked down for a week at a time for someone else being a problem. They dont like to individually punish people like they are scared to.
Joel: No. You have to work(an actual job) in prison if you want to get out at your earliest release date.
Trevor: no, though i don't think I was eligible for that.

JM: What is the most time off you can receive for good behavior?
Mary: Honestly I do not know what the most time off you can receive for good behavior is, as I was not presented with the opportunity.
Joel: Only thing good behavior does is keep you out of the Hole.
Trevor: I was not eligible for time off

JM: What types of actions do you need to avoid in order to get time off? Did you ever witness somebody losing time off for good behavior?
Mary: I know you need to avoid fights and to do your work and behaving and not mouth back, and avoid confrontations. Other than that, I do not know what other types of actions you need to avoid in order to get time off.
D Bo: It doesnt exsist
Joel: again. I say just mind your business and everything should be alright. I witnessed somebody getting sent to the Hole even though they had court the very next day
Trevor: as I said i was ineligible for time off, but I did witness several people being penalized at the guards discretion for things like talking during lights out

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