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Interview with Mary, D Bo, Joel and Trevor

JM: Did you always have access to necessary medications?
Mary: There were some medications - cold medication, allergy medication, tylenol, on the snack cart that you had to buy when it came around. they did not just give the medication to you.
D Bo: Yes
Joel: Yes. If you were on meds they were provided
Trevor: i wasn't on any meds

JM: How did you get your medications?
Mary: you had to buy them off the snack cart when they came around. they did not just provide the medication for you.
D Bo: medical request form
Joel: They had a nurse come into every block and do a medication call. They handed out pills and cups of water and watched the inmates consume them before they left.
Trevor: I was n't on medications., but for those who were, a nurse would come by in the morning and evening to dispense

JM: What types of punishments were incurred for abuse of drugs? Did you ever witness this?
Mary: I do not know as I did not abuse any drugs, nor did I witness anyone doing so. We all pretty much followed the rules in our block.
D Bo: none
Joel: They would send you directly yo the Hole. Yes I did witness this. Inmates were constantly caught smoking or sniffing something.
Trevor: I saw several people with drugs and several clearly high but i never saw anyone get caught with drugs. I really don't know

Read about inmate clothing in the Mecklenburg County Jail

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