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Interview with Russ

JM: Did you have regular access to telephones?
Russ: yes i did in fact, minutes were short, but very helpful. the line was huge and fights to get to the phones took place, because some would get off the phone and redial and not stop, this upset many.

JM: What types of charges applied for calling people? How much money would you guess the average inmate spends per week on phone calls?
Russ: i feel this was out way to much, while the prison system made 142 bucks per inmate daily they made a killing for phone calls. the average would be about 100 or more,

JM: Did you need to buy phone cards to call out?
Russ: no this was done by acceptance from wife or spouce and global tell-link or other name? hard to remember, it was pre set as long as other half put money into account and allowed incomming calls from the prison system.

JM: Did the jail screen your calls?
Russ: i am sure they did, there was a sign that read all calls are being recorded,

Read about how inmates pass the time in the Lorain County Jail