JM: How many meals did you get per day? Dan: we got 3 meals a day and then some days we got 1
snack time Hugh: You received three meals per day Wendy: I only had one meal that day
JM: How would you rate the food? Please give details of why. Dan: some of the food was good but i don't recommend it
to the people on the outside because the chocolate
in there is A LOT different then the chocolate on
the outside, that is a good example but the hot-dogs
and and fruit was good but other then that i dint
recommend it Hugh: I would rate the breakfast as good since I
mixed a piece of cake with cerial which is
actually pretty good some of the lunch
was good and some wasn't this goes for
dinner as well some trays were made
real sloppy and you only received a
spoon with butter on it Wendy: the food is disgusting and some of the
inmates that serve it look nasty, I didnt eat
anything except for the orange. some of the
people that handle the food will not get hired
at a restaurant because of their appearance
and the unsanitary conditions.. I was totally
disgusted of the environment.
JM: Did you have any favorite/least favorite meals? Dan: not really i was hungry i ate almost everything on
the plate because i was hungry but that's the only
reason why Hugh: My favorite would be the cakes and
flakes as mentioned above but the beans
and rice would be my least favorite Wendy: are you kidding me there wasn't anything good
except for an apple orange or other type fruit
you can rinse off.
JM: Were there any other snacks offered outside of meals? What was commissary like and how expensive was it? Dan: yes we had brand named things like pop tarts and
cheeses sticks and then chips from like lays and
Doritos but that was about it we had a very minium
to pick from and that Hugh: There was snacks offered on commissary
it was very expensive though we would
make meals called breaks in between
meals and prices were about 3 or 4 times
the regular retail value very expensive in
my opinion Wendy: there was a commissary but it was highly
expensive I didn't have any luxuries of it, but
their prices were triple compare to stores out
in public, their prices put foreign owned stores
to shame.