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Jail Layout

Interview with James, Jerry and Troy

JM: How many different blocks were there?
James: I'm not sure
Jerry: To be honest I could not Yepp you.
Troy: Not sure, orginally i was put in maxium security for my protection for 3 days.

JM: Did they have names? If so, what were they?
James: I'm not sure
Jerry: I'm not sure never got to find that out. A
Troy: Not sure??? In maxium security the jailers played games with the inmates putting cookies in the hallway and hitting your door if you tried to get one...

JM: Which types of inmates were housed in the different blocks?
James: Sex offenders, property crime, violent offenders
Jerry: Not sure never had the chance to ask all that. But were I was housed it had sex offenders an violent offenders in it. A a a a a a a
Troy: Not sure as i did not pay any attention to the layout etc. All i know of is the maxium security, regular jail and then the day jail at the time.

JM: What do you remember being the nicest and worst parts about the different blocks?
James: The people you get to kick it with, some have more friends than others
Jerry: I was held in what the other inmates referred to as the hole. Locked in a cell for 23hrs a day A a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a q q q q q q q a w a a a a a
Troy: Nicest? None. Worst? It was criminal what happened to me!! I requested my medications several times and never got. Nothing to do, asked for a bible and no responds...The only way you could call anyone was if you remembered their phone number by heard and paid for an expensive service!

Read about telephone access in the Lane County Jail