JM: Did you have regular access to telephones? Kristen: you have certain times when you are allowed to use
the phones, which you have to have a family member
of friend pay for and when you first arrive you
are not allowed to use the phone at all until you
are classified. Renee: Yes, when we weren't locked in our cells we were
aloud to use the phones as we pleased. Chad: Yes, there are usually 8 phones on each pod. You
can use them any time the inmates aren't locked in
their cells. Dennis: yes and you could buy phone cards on the
commissary so you could call people who didnt
accept collect calls.
JM: What types of charges applied for calling people? How much money would you guess the average inmate spends per week on phone calls? Kristen: It is expensive...I would say my parents spent
about $20-$30 a week for phone calls, but a lot of
inmates had no family or friends to call, so it
they didn't even use the phone. Renee: A ten dollar phone card would buy you three 30
minute phone called. I usually called out every
other day. The majority of money was spent on
phone calls. Chad: Jail telephone systems are big bucks, especially if
you are calling out of the local calling area of
the jail. Even if you are making local calls from
the jail, it can cost $3-$5.00 per 15 minute call.
Absolute rip off. Dennis: The phones were all collect call phones but you
could buy phone cards for ten dollars a piece but
you only got about three to four ten min, calls
per phone card. As to the average amount spent i
couldnt say some inmates spent all day on the
phone and others would only call once a week.
JM: Did you need to buy phone cards to call out? Kristen: my mom would deposit money in my account through
the computer and then I would have to purchase
however many minutes I wanted to purchase over the
phone. Renee: Yes we could but 10 dollar phone cards on
commissary, or families could set up a phone
account where they put money on for us to call
them. Chad: I believe you can buy phone cards, but you can also
have your people on the outside set up an account
with the phone provider on their website. Dennis: yes if the people you wanted to call did not
accept collect calls.
JM: Did the jail screen your calls? Kristen: There was a recording that said calls may be
monitored/recorded before every phone call.
Renee: Yes, every call was recorded. Chad: The jail records all calls. Dennis: I dont think they screened them but i know they
recorded all of them.