JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process: Harry: I used credit cards that I was not authorized to use. And
signed names that were not my own. As well as stole purses
from cars and a cashier register that ultimately lead to me
being arrested. I did this to support an addiction I had. But
because of this I was sentenced to probation and have stayed
off drugs. But recently I got a D.U.I. For drinking and driving. Arnold: The pre-sentencing process was basically my lawyer making a
deal with the district attorney for a sentence of probation. But it
was ultimately up to the judge if she would accept the deal. So
I had to go in front of the judge and plead my case. She then
did agree with the district attorney.
JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested. Harry: No the police did not come to my home. Myself and another
man were pulled over by police after I stole a cash register.
When we got pulled over the police officers found in on my
person credit cards and other people's belongings. I confessed
to the police what I did and was charged. Arnold: The police did not stop by my house. I was arrested when I
stole something and the police took me to the police station
directly. I was arrest after I did a stupid thing and stole a cash
register. I had other stolen items on me as well and was
charged for those also.
JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall. Harry: I went in front the judge after a accepted a plea agreement
with the district attorney for a sentence of probation. Just
because I had made a deal with the district attorney, that did
not guarantee me to only receive probation. The judge could
have turned it down if she wanted to. But she ended up
accepting the plea agreement and sentencing me to eight to
sixteen years probation for all charges. Arnold: Well I had to sit and wait for the judge and District Attorney talk
about my case and charges and plea agreement. I was then
called into the court room and plead my case to the judge. She
eventually agreed and ended up giving me a lengthy term of
JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of? Harry: Access to device fraud. Forgery. Conspiracy. And theft from a
motor vehicle. I plead guilty to all of the charges. Arnold: Access to device fraud, forgery, theft from a motor vehicle, and
conspiracy. I plead guilty to all charges.