JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process: Anita: i went to court and was placed on probation
fora term of 9 months. i didnt successfully
complete. the probation, so ia warrant was
issued for my arrest in December of 2012. I
was subsequently arrested in February. of
2013, where i spent 20 useless. days in
another county waiting. on transport. and a
chance. to go before the judge and be
JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested. Anita: i was walking barefoot down 1845, a part of the
loop around. Longview. texas. i had a.
backpack and probably looked. like. a vagrant,
as my shoe had broken.. a cop pulled me over,
haha, walking, and ran my name and founs the
warrant. he then placed me i. handcuff s. and
led me to 20 days. in hell at gregg county jail,
until harrison county. could come. get me.
JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall. Anita: swift and simple, once i finally got there. i spent
20 days after my arrival waiting to go to court.
when my day finally came, ir cane without
notice. i was rold to get dressed. then tgey led
me down a hall and i sat outside a back
entrance to thw cpurt room until my name was
called, then i was led in, sentenced. to 40 days,
which i had already served, and released two
hours later.
JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of? Anita: driving. with a suspended license. was
roriginal. charge. violation. of probation, dwls
previous conviction was final. charge.