JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process: Ben: I was young and dumb stealing clothes from
different stores. I ended up getting caught a
few times and the first time or two I was very
scared. Laura: I was kept over night before I had my initial
appearance before
the magistrate. I was finally told my bond and my
nearly 24 hours after my initial arrest had
occurred. I wasn't
even questioned at the time of my arrest regarding
incidentIin question. I was just arrested on the
word of
someone else.
JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested. Ben: I was stealing clothing from stores and got
caught. Laura: No, not at all. I a store
and as I was leaving an unidentified young woman
asked me
to go back inside. I refused and she grabbed my
arm and
pulled on my bag. When she touched me my boyfriend
her off of me and told me to run. I tried to but
she broke away
from him and ran after me and pushed me down. Long
short because the incident got physical we are
both being
accused of robbery instead of a misdemeanor. My
is still in jail because no one can afford to bond
him out.
JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall. Ben: My first time I got caught, I just got tickets
for theft. I never went to court of followed up
on the court dates. My first time I went to
court was one of the first times I went to jail
when I was young around the age of 17 or so and
at the time it was very intimidating. The
judge, the people and the other inmates going
through thier cases impacted me. Laura: I do not know yet. I am making my initial plea of
not guilty this coming
Friday. I am not actually going to court. My
lawyer is going to
appear for me. I have to fax a signed release to
him so that I
don't have to appear in person.
JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of? Ben: I ended up getting caught stealing three
different times and my charge was enhanced to a
State Jail felony after the thrid time I was
charged. Laura: I was arrested for robbery. I'm now being charged
with organized theft of a store.