JM: How many meals did you get per day? Tim: Three meals on the weekdays, two on the weekends. Sherri: 3 but I rarely ate them bc I was scared to Brett: I ate all three had to to survive
JM: How would you rate the food? Please give details of why. Tim: On a scale of one to ten, I would rate it a one.
The food tasted horrible, the rations were very
small, the bread was stale, flies everywhere, mostly
unflavored pork with egg noodles, food was under
cooked, and we had five minutes to eat. Also,
insects were found in the food on several occasions. Sherri: Poorly. If you could tell what it was that was a major plus. I
tried to get something off commissary but I was also trying to
watch how much money mom and dad sent in for me. I felt
bad enough for putting them in that position that they shouldn't
be in. Brett: Gross I had what looked like a pupic hair in what they called
mashed potatoes and the portions was so small your body
would be wating for that next meal stomach growling standing
at the door like a lab rat waiting for a small portion of cheese
just enough to keep you from starving
JM: Did you have any favorite/least favorite meals? Tim: Least favorite meal was the pork noodles. If I had
to have a favorite meal, it would be the one I made
myself out of my own locker that consisted of ramen
noodles, re fried beans, and potato chips. Sherri: Chicken fingers. U could tell they were frozen from Ben e
keith. The meat dish was least favorite. I could never tell what
it was at all. Brett: I favored the breakfast I like biscuit and grave and there's
wasn't good but I like them more than the other meals
JM: Were there any other snacks offered outside of meals? What was commissary like and how expensive was it? Tim: We had an 85 dollar spending limit. The policy at
the prison was to run commissary twice a month,
but of course they would do whatever they wanted,
so we would often go months without it. Items
offered were Ramen noodles, bags of chips, powered
milk, instant beans, instant rice, oatmeal,
coffee, and soda with some condiments. Sherri: Commissary more expensive there than any place else bc it is
ran an railroaded by one guy. A cookie pack of off brand
cookies were $3 and a Coke 20 oz bottle was $3.25 ? Brett: Commissary was very expensive one pack of noodles were
one dollar when there like 10 cent a piece on the outside and
no snacks not even on the holidays I was there on 4 th july
and prayed they'd have a extra snack or something special but