Interview with Mickey, Nate, Anne, Erik, Chris and Ryan
JM: How many different blocks were there? Mickey: I think there are 25-30 pods. Nate: I don't know. Anne: A,B,C,D,MED Erik: a,b,c,d, Health Services unit are the pods Chris: Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta Pods
JM: Did they have names? If so, what were they? Mickey: Yes, A-pod 1-5, B-pod 1-5, C,D,E....
Something like that. Nate: I stayed in C-block. Anne: Named Above (5) Erik: A B C D whick are seperated into pods (a1,a2,a3,a4,
a5 ect) Chris: Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta Pods Those were the
names of the blocks.
JM: Which types of inmates were housed in the different blocks? Mickey: There is a pod for sick people, or people that
need special medical attention. There is the
quarantine (unclassified) pods as well as minimum,
medium, maximum, and super-max pods. And all are
either male or female. Nate: I don't know. Anne: A- Minimum Security 1st timers, nonviolent
offenders mostly drug offenses
B- Medium Security violent offenders, number of
C- Maximum Security- Most violent offenders,
Numerous Felonies Erik: each block is mixed. I have even seen multiple
classification levals mixed in the same pod before.
All the jail workers tend to be in the same pods
together as with the kithen people Chris: Minimum security, Medium security, Maximum security,
Medical were the major classes. From there you
would just have them divided into men and women. x
x x x x x x
JM: What do you remember being the nicest and worst parts about the different blocks? Mickey: The worst part is either in any pod with an
unruly, arrogant guard. The minimum pods are
generally better, with any guard, than quarantine
because you have more time out of your cell. Any
good guard makes the pod better to be in. Nate: In my block we were able to watch t.v. for 3
hours a dya as long as we did not talk. Anne: I never saw any other block except the one I was
in. You may see a couple of seconds of the
concourse which splits off into the holding areas
while you shuffle past to court or in or out but
that was it. Everything looked the SAME. No
direction Ryan: everything was SUPER FILTHY, not a clean spot in
the joint. Erik: The minimun security pods were easy going.
Quarantine is the worst as the doors are always
slamming open and closed as new people come and
go.You just never know when you are going to be
called upon to roll up your stuff and move cells.
It sucks to have a chill cell mate only to have
him moved the next night Chris: There is nothing nice about the different blocks.
They are all just that cold cement and iron doors.
You can not see the sunlight in there either x x x
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x.