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Interview with Sonia

JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process:
Sonia: Before my sentecing date I spoke with my attorney by phone and in vistitation about the Stated Attorneys offer. A form with my plea bargain was filled out signed by myself, my attorney and the States Attorney. I was first taken before the judge for what is called first appearence so the judge could see that the police officer had charged me with the offense had probable cause.

JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested.
Sonia: No. I was arrested because of public intoxication and the other charges were added after I was searched. A call was made by someone who saw me sitting on the side of a rural road in Yulee Florida. I was in possesion of paraphenilia and illegal substances. I was charged with 2 felonys and 2 misdemeanors

JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall.
Sonia: Court was very humbling if not shameful. It was also interesting to see what other peoples charges were and to see the outcome in the cases. When I stood in front of the judge I was quite emotional and very sorrowful and cried when the judge handed down my sentence

JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of?
Sonia: Possesion of controlled substance possesion of cocaine public intoxification possesion of paraphenlia charged and convicted of all

Read about sentencing in the Nassau County Jail

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