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Closing Advice

Interview with Ron, Candice and Cliff

JM: What else would you want a friend or family member to know if they have a loved one going to this jail?
Ron: If you have a chronic medical issue you need to have a lawyer who is very vocal be in touch with the sheriff until your medical needs are being me. Have your family stay very involved. Tell them not to just take the jails' word for anything but stay on them to make sure your medical needs are being met.
Candice: Just try your best to stay out of trouble and try to stay to yourself and don't eat the food if you can avoid it but try not to go to jail at all
Cliff: support them. when you are in jail you feel like you are all alone. getting that visit or getting that letter goes a long way in helping you do your time.

JM: If somebody knows they will be serving time in this jail what is your advice to them?
Ron: Because they don't allow anything but white underwear, put on 2 pairs of white underwear and 2 pairs of white socks when you go to your sentencing.
Candice: The food is horrible! Most people eat the food only because they have too. If you are able to get commissary then you probably won't eat the food at all.. most of the time food is cold and it has no seasoning so its just plain and nasty and I didn't like it at all
Cliff: mind your buisiness, leave that t.v alone. don't be gambling. do what the gaurds tell you to do because with them you cant win. in other words do your time and come home

JM: Please list any other jail or rehab facilities you have been to.
Ron: Arkansas Department of Corrections
Candice: Adc in newport,arkansas Detention center in texarkana, texas
Cliff: federal pen, ohio state pen, craighead county jail, mississippi county jail, and the white county jail,