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Interview with Ron, Candice and Cliff

JM: Did you always have access to necessary medications?
Ron: In the beginning I had problems getting my insulin. Before going in I took a special 24 hour insulin shot and would take an additional dose at meals. The doctor at the jail tried to switch me to a less effective type of insulin. He said that for me to take the type I needed, I had to provide it myself because it was too expensive. My dad took money out of my account and would bring the type of insulin I needed in the jail.
Candice: No.... not at all and that's a problem
Cliff: yes you would see the nurse after you filled out a form

JM: How did you get your medications?
Ron: My dad brought my insulin to the jail. The jail had a glucose monitor that a nurse would bring to my cell. There were a couple times they forgot to give me my dose (I needed 4 shots a day). I would have the deputy call and they would say I refused the medical care.
Candice: The come in and do pill call but you basically only can get aspirin and stuff like that unless authorized
Cliff: i never took any kind of medications, but i witness others getting theres. they would be called up to the c.o's desk

JM: What types of punishments were incurred for abuse of drugs? Did you ever witness this?
Ron: Cigarettes were allowed in the jail at that time but once in the concrete enclosed yard I smelled marijuana. I'm not sure what the punishment would be.
Candice: I have never seen any abuse of drugs so o don't know much about this at all there are no drugs
Cliff: don't know but i'm sure you would at least go to the hole for a period of time for a violation. no

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