Interview with Albert, Borata, Keith, Jon, Innocent17, Acer, Taz, Will and James
JM: How many meals did you get per day? Albert: 3 Borata: 0, until I started screaming terrorists to to
the top of my lungs and got smart with these
sheisty biyattchhhhhssss!!!!!! What else can I
lose? Keith: 2 bagged meals and 1 hot meal a day. Breakfast
and lunch were bag meals, usually hard boiled
eggs and a single serving of cereal for
breakfast, a bologna sandwich and chips for
lunch, and a hot meal at dinner which is usually
unidentifiable. Jon: Three meals a day. I know breakfast was at 4:30am,
lunch I think was around noon, and I think dinner
was around 6. Again, no concept of the time. Innocent17: Breakfast. Cereal, milk, packet of peanut butter,
packet of jelly and two slices of wheat bread, two
cookies and a fruit.
lunch. packet of peanut butter, packet of jelly
and two slices of wheat bread, two cookies and a
fruit. fake juice.
dinner. two powdered beef burritos OR packet of
peanut butter, packet of jelly and two slices of
wheat bread, two cookies and a fruit. fake juice
OR substitute the PBJ with bologna.
I don't think I can eat another PBJ sandwich for a
long long time.
Acer: 3. Taz: 3 Will: We had breakfast lunch and dinner James: you get 3 meals per day
JM: How would you rate the food? Please give details of why. Albert: 2 STARS OUT OF 10 Borata: muy BIEN.
Over my dead cadavre!
Keith: Poor. Jon: It was far from good. Two slices of bread, jelly,
peanut butter, an apple, a type of "juice" and two
cookies. Some variation on this. Innocent17: bad to awful. Acer: Nastyas f*k..ate spread and store all day Taz: Not bad but I was a trustee Will: The food there reminded me of elementary school food, just in
bigger portions to feed the average sized adult male. It mostly
consisted of beans, bread, canned meat. Basically anything that can
be made the cheapest and quickest, for a very large population. The
meals always had to had the right amount of nutrition James: the food was very bad. it taste horrible I can
tell it wasn't that good for us to consume
probably compared to fast food. the portions
were also very small so hunger was an issue with
all inmates. certain inmates couldn't eat meat so
they were given "special diets" which were
JM: Did you have any favorite/least favorite meals? Albert: FOOD IS FOOD I GUESS. Borata: cream of sum yung gai! Keith: It was all my least favorite meal. Jon: It was all about the same, not a lot of food,
nothing I had tasted very good. Innocent17: Burritos were okay. Cereal was okay. Cookies were
good. Apples were great when they were fresh. Acer: The best is the fakeass sausages in the morning Taz: Hamburgers Will: My favorite meal was this roasted chicken that reminded me of el
pollo loco. My least favorite was their beef stragonoff James: I have no favorite meals in jail. the least
favorite would mean that I liked one thing more
than the other and I didn't like no part of the
JM: Were there any other snacks offered outside of meals? What was commissary like and how expensive was it? Albert: YES, COMISSARY FOR ASTRONOMICAL PRICES. Borata: gummi bears Keith: No. Unless you have money on your books to buy
commissary, you were hungry most of the time. Jon: No. Acer: In jail its super expensive soups are 1.18 while in prison its
36 cents.. shits ridiculous.. now I kno y all the homeys r
stingy in jail Taz: n/a Will: Commissary offered a lot of variety of your typical junk food from
chips to snack mixes. The most popular were soup packets. Soup
packets were about a dollar while only thirty cents at your
neighborhood market James: no snacks whatsoever what you were given for
breakfast, lunch and dinner was it. the
commissary is ridiculously over priced. for
something like a top roman noodles that would
normally cost about 10 to 20 cents is priced at $