JM: How many different blocks were there? Hugh: 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800
B, A, I, L, O, R
Farm, isolation
Those are just for the males.
For females there is dorm living and max, farm
and isolation. Jennifer: For females there was iso-isolation GP-genral
population and the honor farm Johnny: I am not sure but I believe that there are at least 11 to 12: (2)
men's dorm-style units; (4) men's units A-D; (2) solitary
confinement units; (2) women's dorm-style units; (2) units with
more than 1 bed per cell; and (1-2) units for inmates who are
some sort of special exception*. *I witnessed these "special
exception" units at times but was never sure why inmates were
there, since these 2 units seemed to be different than the regular
JM: Did they have names? If so, what were they? Hugh: See above. Jennifer: ISO GP, Honor farm which i stated earlier. so there Johnny: I believe that there are Units A, B, C and D for the men. There are
names for the two dorm-style men's units but I do not recall them. I
don't know the names of the other units (women's, men's or
JM: Which types of inmates were housed in the different blocks? Hugh: Those on medications are on A deck (single cell)
Parolees are on 300 B and R decks
Those with lesser charges are housed together
General population 700-800
Higher Risk O,I,L protective custody
Isolation 600
Jennifer: Honor farm were for people who were staying there
for along time. Generl population are pretty much
everyone else even PC- Protective custody. Iso was
for people who needed to be watched all the time
like mentely insane and PC Johnny: There were blocks for men and blocks for women. I don't know in
what sort of way the inmates were assigned to each unit. I was held
with inmates who were in for both misdemeanors and felonies. I
don't know if it's that way for the women, too.
JM: What do you remember being the nicest and worst parts about the different blocks? Hugh: Some of them are cell living and some are dorm
living. Some rotate the days they go to yard
and in 700 and 800 they open the door for you
pretty much all day. Jennifer: I was on Iso And GP becuase i was PC. Iso was really
cold and plus its anooying listening to all the
crazy but you know everything thats going on. Gp is
warm and nice but you dont get to know all thAts
going on but you get to socialize more. Johnny: The dorm-style unit that I was in was awful because the
atmosphere was very intimidating and full of animosity. While
there were no big fights in this unit while I was housed here, it
was a very desolate type of place to be - moreso than Unit B,
where I stayed and which had single-bed cells. Unit B was the
more enjoyable of the 2 units that I stayed in. I felt that there
was better energy and relationships between the inmates due to
the fact that we each had our own personal space to retire to at
night and keep our belongings in. So, the nicest thing about Unit
B was the sense of privacy; the worst thing about the dorm-style
unit was the lack of privacy.