JM: How many meals did you get per day? Hugh: Three. Jennifer: You get 3 meals a day. Johnny: We were served 3 meals per day. Breakfast was served at around
6:30; lunch came at around 11:30; and dinner was in the evening,
around 6, I believe.
JM: How would you rate the food? Please give details of why. Hugh: Some days were better than others. I was
constantly hungry until I started getting
commissary. Jennifer: The food sucked. I didnt Like it Lunch is pretty
much the same everyday; which is a sandwhich and
an apple. You get 2 hot meals and one cold.
Breakfast was mon-eggs, cake, oatmeal, milk. Tues-
same, Wed- ceael, THurs- pancakes, and susage.
Friday was burrito and sunday- buiscuits and
gravy. the oatmeal was alright but i recomend
buying saly of of commissary. Johnny: I'd say that the food could have been better but could have been
worse. Breakfast was always pretty stellar: pancakes, mashed
potatoes, oranges, milk, waffles, sausage, eggs, and other foods.
Lunch was pretty awful, with strange meat in the sandwhiches.
(The exception to the rule was peanut butter and jelly
sandwiches every now and then. The PB&J sandos were pretty
tasty.) Dinner was pretty boring and never all that exciting. The
portion sizes were never that big. Like I said, breakfast was the
best meal, I thought. Also, there was A LOT of meat in the meals
and, being a vegetarian, I had a real problem with this since they
do not provide a vegetarian or vegan meal option. Eventually I
started to eat meat, which I greatly disliked, in order to be able
to get enough calories into my body. If I had not eaten the meat
dishes, then I probably would have only been able to consume
800 calories (and maybe less) a day. Other dinner foods: pasta,
fish sticks, salad, chili, chicken sandwich, cake.
JM: Did you have any favorite/least favorite meals? Hugh: The biscuits and gravy were good, peanut butter
and jelly for lunch was good. They made some
budget cuts so you got 2 pieces of lunchmeat, 2
pieces of bread and mustard for a lot of
lunches, and it wasn't very good. We called the
spicy bologna "red death". Spagetti and lasagna
were good. Portions were too small. Jennifer: I loved the burritos on fridays and maybe once a
month if you were lucky you would get pizza that
they make. so its not great but its better then
everthing else. Johnny: Breakfast was my favorite. I was a big fan of the oranges and the
panckaes. Being a vegetarian, I was not a fan of the abundance of
meat provided. The tuna fish sandwiches (for lunch) were acrid and
awful. The milk - served daily with breakfast - was not great but it
was a good source of protein and calories.
JM: Were there any other snacks offered outside of meals? What was commissary like and how expensive was it? Hugh: Not unless you bought them through commissary. Jennifer: Unless you were pregnant or diabetic you werent
offered snacks. Commisary is expensive i spent 120
dollares in 3 months on paper, pencils, shampoo,
conditioner, and cappichino, hot coco. You really
want to get stuff you need enevlopes are 55 cents
per one and it builds up after a while. Johnny: Commissary was a rip-off and I seriously believe that I got food
poisoning from one of the commissary items that I purchased.
There were no snacks offered outside of commissary. The
selection provided by commissary was decent, and it included
pencils and paper, which I really found useful as a way to write in
order to pass the time more quickly. My favorite commissary
item was the peanut butter cracker sandwiches.