JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process: Hugh: I was pulled over and was in possession of a
controlled substance. Jennifer: I had a video arraingment wich was intersting. I
have never been through the process before. When i
went to pre-sentencing it was PAINFULL and
awkward. Its deffinately an eye opener i would say
so. Its hard to sit there in the court room cuffed
seeing your family looking at you with
disappointed faces and tears. I would not want to
reapeat it thats for sure. Johnny: The first time that I was arrested, I was intially held in a holding
cell for roughly 1 hour. I was processed and then placed in a
dorm-style housing unit with 52 beds. I first appeared in court 2
days after I was arrested. Between my first and second court
appearance, I was transferred from the dorm-style housing unit
to Unit B, which has single-bed cells. The second time that I was
arrested, I was again held in a holding cell, this time for roughly
50 minutes. I was porcessed and again placed in Unit B. I
appeared in court several times in regards to my second arrest.
JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested. Hugh: No. See above. Jennifer: The pliece arrested me at a school that i was
working at currently. They questioned m both at the
school and in a room at the police station. I knew
what i did was wrong and i amitted that so im glad
now that im trough it well at least the hard part. Johnny: The first time I was arrested, police did not stop at my house for
questioning. Someone called 9-1-1. The sherriff entered the
house where I was on his own and proceeded to take me out to
the driveway. Once we were in the driveway, the sherriff had em
put my hands behind my back and he hand-cuffed and arrested
me. I was taken to SLO County Jail after waiting in the patrol car
for the sherriff to fill out paperwork and question witnesses. The
second time I was arrested, police did not stop at my house for
questioning. Someone called 9-1-1 and sherriffs came to the
house where I was. They requested that I come out and I
followed their directions. They handcuffed me, had me wait in
the patrol car for roughly 20 minutes while they investigated the
scene, questioned witnesses and filled out paperwork, and then I
was taken to the SLO County Jail.
JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall. Hugh: I went to court within 72 hours. It was an
arraignment, letting me know what I was being
charged with. They threw out a ridiculous offer
and told me to come back to court in another
week. I plead out of that one by agreeing to go
to a drug treatment to get out of jail. Jennifer: Court is a place where you wana go with out the red
or orange clothes without the cuffs. Its much better
to appear before the judge and DA in some nice
clothes; it helps your chances a bit. I was scared
it was my first time but i got through it my whole
case was on the news which was annoying. Johnny: I appeared in court several times - approximatley 10 times -
over 9 months. I was always taken to court from the SLO County
Jail in the morning, immediatley following breakfast. I was
shackled - hands and feet both - before leaving SLO County Jail
for court and unshackled upon returning to my unit in SLO
County Jail. It took roughly 20 minutes to drive to court in a van
from SLO County Jail, and I was always with at least 1 other
inmate. I would then wait anywhere from 10 to 120 minutes,
along with the other prisoners, before I appeared in court. Also,
on days in which I appeared in court, I would sometimes have to
wait up to an additional 180 minutes in a holding cell at the
courthouse. I was someitmes held on my own, which was
traumatic. They would often serve us lunch (in brown paper
bags) if we were at the courthouse during scheduled lunch time.
When I entered the courtroom, I was lead to a seat in the jury
box. My time spent in the courtroom each time ranged from 60
minutes to 150 minutes. I would usually meet at least once per
court appearance with one of my lawyers. (I had 3 different
lawyers altogether.) A meeting with my lawyer would usually
occur in a small room ancilary to the courtroom itself. Some of
my lawyers (2 of them) were public defenders, and I always
found the public defender(s) to be professional and trustworthy.
Court was alwasy very formal and impersonal. In hindsight, the
judges's rulings were fair. There was one time, when I was in
court, when I felt that the judge was being very unfair. I verbally
objected to what the judge was saying, which was out of line for
me to do. I was not punished for my outburst. On one occassion,
I was removed from the courtroom after making several verbal
JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of? Hugh: Original charges were possession of controlled
substance and possession of concentrated
cannabis. I was convicted of possession of a
controlled substance. Jennifer: 4Felony counts of unlawful sex with a minor.
I got 1 felony count Johnny: Charge
3 counts and 1 enhancement: Count 1: PC 594(b)(1), vandalism -
$400 or more, a felony.; Enhancement 1: Special allegation that
the defendant committed the above offense while released on
bail in case #F450107, found true.; Count 2: PC 166(a)(4),
disobeying a court order, a misdemeanor.; Count 3: PC 148(a)(1),
resist/obstruct delay of peace officer or EMT, a misdemeanor.
I was charged with the above offenses and plead No Contest to
all of the above offenses.