Interview with Raymond, Brenda, Reta, Ronnie, Germz and Jimmy
JM: Did you get off early based on good behavior? Raymond: I basically did 8 months and 20 days of straight
time to no extra time off. Brenda: yes I had 9 months taken off my sentence because I
went to fire camp. And all fire camp participants
do 35% time. where as in Regular prison you do
half time if your eligible. Reta: No I had to serve my entire time because it was a
parole violation. Ronnie: I dont think I did. I did the full time. Germz: when your doing 85 % you dont get off for good
behavior Jimmy: I fulfilled the conditions of my plea bargain and
thus avoided further jail or probation.
JM: What is the most time off you can receive for good behavior? Raymond: If you do get anything it would be two months on
every year. Brenda: 50% of your time if you are in a Correctional
facility. 35% time if you are in a Fire Camp setting. Reta: I think every 30 days you get five days credit Ronnie: I think you can get a third off your sentence. Germz: you can do 35% if you go to fire camp Jimmy: I do not know the answer to this question.
JM: What types of actions do you need to avoid in order to get time off? Did you ever witness somebody losing time off for good behavior? Raymond: Stay away from the gangs. Brenda: In order to be eligible for good behavior you can
not get in to a fight get caught breaking any of
the rules or you get an infraction or "115" which
can cause you to gain 30 to 365 days added to your
sentence depending on the severity of your actions. Reta: Basically stay out of trouble, keep your nose
clean, don't engage in any fighting, no
homosexuality, no contraband. Ronnie: Don't get into fights, don't talk back to the
guards. Try not to get noticed. Germz: you need to avoid all fjghts, disrespect to
officers smoking drinkig pruno and theft of
state property you can even loose time for
wearing an ear ring. i have witnessed hundreds
of people lose there good behavior time for
random acts Jimmy: I was told by another inmate that getting into a
fight would lead to an automatic doubling of the
sentence. I have heard of some vindictive inmates
starting fights on purpose for this reason.