Interview with Raymond, Brenda, Reta, Ronnie, Germz and Jimmy
JM: How many meals did you get per day? Raymond: 3 Brenda: Three meals two hot one cold . Reta: 3... breakfast, lunch and dinner Ronnie: 3 a day Germz: you got two hot meals and one box lunch you
basically starve all day Jimmy: Three meals per day, with breakfast served at 3:30
am for some ludicrous reason.
JM: How would you rate the food? Please give details of why. Raymond: I'd give it a 6. Brenda: it was okay because we were in camp we were
treated better we had better food and better variety. Reta: For the most part it was nutrious. I'd give it a
5. Ronnie: I'd rate it like a 4 out of 10. Germz: the food was in very poor taste and the
proportions were very small and had hardly any
nutrtional value . its just my belief, but i
believe the only nutrition was the apple you got
every day oh and a child size milk. the only way
you can get eull is if you buy food in canteen. Jimmy: Abysmal. It was served in plastic trays and was
essentially freeze dried reconstituted mush with a
texture like wet cardboard and even less flavor.
There was no fresh vegetables or fruit, apart from
tiny plastic cups with fruit suspended in sugary
syrup. I usually have a large appetite, but I
never finished one of these meals, which were not
JM: Did you have any favorite/least favorite meals? Raymond: Favorite was probably the bisquits and gravyfav
no really biscuits and gravey
For the worst, can't say it was that bad. Brenda: none I like all the food just got sick of eatting
it after so long they tend to make the same things
over and over. Reta: Favorite was the breakfast... SOS which was like
biscuits and gravy. The worst I would say was the
cheese sandwhiches. You couldn't even melt the
cheese in a microwave. Ronnie: Favorite would be the pancakes and sausage. The
worst was the chili mac. Germz: i can honestly say i have no favorite meal and
all of them are my least favorite the only one
that eills you up is sos Jimmy: No. The food was uniformly disgusting slop. The only
"highlight" was the above mentioned fruit cup, which
at least had some color and flavor
JM: Were there any other snacks offered outside of meals? What was commissary like and how expensive was it? Raymond: We could have canteen once a week. Brenda: yes we had canteen basic snack foods chips, soda,
candy cookies. we also got quarterly boxes and in
those we could get food as well packaged meats and
cereal. if you were good you never had to go to
the cafeteria because you learned how to shop and
cook for yourself Reta: Once a week, if you had money on your books, you
could fill out a slip and order commissary. Ronnie: We could order commissary once a week if you had
money there. Germz: there are no snacks offered. the only way you
get snacks is in canteen. the canteen is good
but very expensive. its close to a dollar for a
15 cent ramen at a grocery store if they didnt
charge so much they would probably make more
money other than the soups the canteen is a very
nice commodity Jimmy: There were no free snacks outside of meals. I never
bought anything at the commissary, but judging by
the other inmates, there was a decent selection of
things to buy. I have no idea whether the prices
were reasonable.