JM: Did you find it difficult to get along with other inmates? Please give examples to explain why you did or didn't. Jen: No it wasn't hard at all to get along with the
inmates. They all seemed care for each other, but
this is the womens' side of the facility; women
are different then men. Kelsey: It depends on you. If you have a big mouth or
want to show off.... trouble will find you! BUT!
Sometimes you're just "the one" who gets picked
on! Or perhaps you look like someone who isn't
very well liked... or, just happen to be at the
opposite end of a bad court day! Personally, I
made the best of a bad situation. Charlize: no i didnt really talk i just wanted to get home
to my 13 yr old daughter Cody: It wasn't too hard. The tank I was in at Main Jail was 16 men, and it
was pretty mellow, although INCREDIBLY loud. At the Pre-Trial
Facility I got along great with my cellmate, but stayed in my cell
and read as for much of my time.
JM: What types of things did you have to do to avoid problems or fights with other inmates? Jen: Just keep information that came on the floor to
yourself. Never speak to the cops on watch a hard
time, and always spoke to them with respect.
When speaking with the other inmates you also have
to be respectful. This is a main idea in jail. Kelsey: Shut your mouth and keep out of people's biz! You
never "see" anything, you never "hear" anything!
Even if you do, you don't! Charlize: i was on lockdown i was put with individuals due
to my past Cody: Every time I spoke with my dad on the phone he would remind me
to keep my head down and my mouth shut. Which is pretty much
what I did. Its best to just mind your own business and if you are
pretty generous with your nasty food (I was going through opiate
withdrawal for the first 4 days until I received my Methadone, so I
wasn't hungry whatsoever.) they tend to warm up to you a little
more than they would have otherwise.
JM: Were you able to choose an inmate as your cellmate if you knew one? How often would your cellmate(s) change? Jen: No, you are placed where ever they put you. I know
that if you have issues with others the cops will
place you in confinement tanks til you are moved
or released.
I did have a friend in with me at the time, we
talked when we were able to chat with each other. Kelsey: It all depends on who you know. Mostly you got
play if you've been around the block a few times. Charlize: no Cody: No, and I didn't know anyone there anyways. Someone in Pre-Trial
said you could switch cells as long as the guard approved it. In
Main Jail I had the same people the whole time. In Pre-Trial I had
the same celly the whole time as well.