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Interview with Ralph, Rachel, Fred, Craig and Joe

JM: Did you always have access to necessary medications?
Ralph: yes
Rachel: Would never take medications in there, possibility of them sending you to detox if you are on mess, you are viewed and treated differently
Fred: yes they had access to meds
Craig: Of course not. How many people have died due to negligence/abuse at the Denver County Jail the past few years? Im talking the ones that the public was made awareof, not the ones that have been buried, etc.
Joe: For the most part yes, however some of the nurses were very rude and sometimes I didn't get it because I was asleep when the med cart came into the pod.

JM: How did you get your medications?
Ralph: i never too meds in jail
Rachel: Didn't ask didn't haveany
Fred: well what they would do is call you at a certain time of day so that everyone can take there meds at the same time
Craig: You wait in line during the times the nurse would show up. And this AFTER a verification process that GOD knows the details of, however its NOT uncommon for people with medical conditions to digress to a point of needing hospitalization because they - at best - take their time.
Joe: You would need to see the doctor, he would then approve any medications. Then the prescription was given to the nursing staff. New prescriptions usually were filled within 2 days.

JM: What types of punishments were incurred for abuse of drugs? Did you ever witness this?
Ralph: the hole
Rachel: Dont know, never put myself in that predicament
Fred: you would go to solitary confinement maybe put you in a different part of the jail for the punishment. thats it...
Craig: I did not ever witness this, no. So I don't know. And gotta say it in 20 words or more.
Joe: My understanding is that if you were caught with drugs you would get charged with other crimes. I never witnessed it.

Read about inmate clothing in the Denver County Jail