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Interview with Ben and Katrina

JM: Did you have regular access to telephones?
Ben: They had 8 and they turned them on at 9:30 am in the morning and turned them off at 10:28 at night.
Katrina: There were 2 phones. A lot of the times there was only one working. If you were a trustee you got a direct line. We had sign up sheets for phone times. But we couldn't get on the phones until we cleaned the pods were clean.

JM: What types of charges applied for calling people? How much money would you guess the average inmate spends per week on phone calls?
Ben: It was 2.50 a call
Katrina: $2.25 per call.

JM: Did you need to buy phone cards to call out?
Ben: You could by phone cards if you wanted to but I never did.
Katrina: No, you would call collect to a landline. They did set it up that if all your family had was a cell phone that you could set up that number too.

JM: Did the jail screen your calls?
Ben: Yeah, they tell you they monitor every call.
Katrina: There is nobody there sitting, listening in but the calls are recorded so they can go back and check if there is trouble with calls going out like with somebody who shouldn't be making contact.

Read about how inmates pass the time in the Alachua County Jail