Interview with Bill, Rochelle, Joyce, Mikey, Eric, Kirk, Janelle and Claudia
JM: What clothes could you have brought in to wear in the jail (underwear, socks, etc.)? Bill: Standard Jail Uniform for all inmates. Different
Colors for different classes of inmates.
Unsentenced Males: Green
Unsentenced Females: Gray
Sentenced Males: Light Blue
Sentenced Females: Light Gray
Rochelle: Blue Jeans and blue shirt, or a uniform dress of
blue, gold, or pink. Joyce: You can not bring any of your own personal items
to wear while in duval jail Mikey: they dont give you that option they give you inmate
uniforms thats it al you get Eric: Underwear, socks, well-fitting sneakers and jeans,
t-shirts, golf shirts, walking shorts. I'd also
want a pair of Dockers (khaki), a long sleeved
dress shirt, a tie, a belt and a pair of nice
dress shoes for court appearances. NOTE: The jail
will not allow you to possess the tie or belt; you
might use them as a weapon on yourself or others. Kirk: You could only wear what the jail gave you. Nothing
that was yours was allowed. Janelle: You were allowed to keep your own bra and flip flops if you
had them. You had to wear their socks and underwear Claudia: The only clothes that were allowed in this
facility to be brought in were tennis shoes and
JM: If you had a set uniform, what did it look like? Please be specific about each piece of clothing issued to you. Bill: Basic 50% cotton and 50% polyester top (V-neck)
and matching stretch pants. Gray sweaters offered
in colder months Rochelle: Pink Dress with my own shoes Joyce: Genereal population of females had gray scrubs.
High risk inmates had bright orange, juveniles
wore brown, men wore green, and inmates with
communicable diseases wore red. I wore gray Mikey: well you get issued used up socks then used up
boxers then a used up t shirt then a coloredshirt
and spandex pants color depend on your charge Eric: We wore a medium green set of scrubs, one shirt
and one pair of pants. They were always too big.
They had the desired effect of making people feel
crappy and unattractive; like a "unit" instead of
a person. They made people feel anonymous. We also
received one pair of boxer style undershorts and
one pair of "shower shoes" - (flip-flops). Kirk: We were issued a shirt kinda like med scrubs, green
in color. A pair of pants also green, a pair of
boxers in white and a pair of white socks. Janelle: I had a gray top and bottoms. Standard jail uniform. The high
risk inmates wore red ones to identify them. We also had
black shower shoes. Claudia: The uniforms were grey, two piece, with the name
of the facility printed on. Every week, we
received a clean set of uniform, including
underclothes and socks. If a person did not wear
tennis shoes, they received a pair of flip flops.
JM: Were there any assigned clothes in high demand that an inmate should look for when getting clothing assigned? Bill: N/A. Uniform simply comes in a bag in the size you
request. Rochelle: Jeans and blue shirt Joyce: No, not that I was aware of. No clothing was
assigned, we changed out uniforms every 3 or so
days Mikey: new clothes is about it other wis no ther is not Eric: Not that I can recall, but then again I wasn't
there for too long. If there was something more
popular than something else, it would be jeans,
hats and sneakers. Kirk: Everyone was always trying to get extra boxers and
socks. Janelle: Just had to make sure you had the correct amount of panties. Claudia: They should look for flip flops. They were in high
demand because they could tear easily.
JM: Was the clothing different between men and women? Bill: Uniform itself was the same, just different colors. Rochelle: Yes Joyce: Men wore green scrubs and women wore gray Mikey: yes the women wear grey uniforms Eric: Not really. Everyone wears a sexless and a simple
set of scrubs. Kirk: Men wore green and women gray Janelle: Not that I notices except for size Claudia: No, the clothes were the same.