Interview with Bill, Rochelle, Joyce, Mikey, Eric, Kirk, Janelle and Claudia
JM: Did you have regular access to telephones? Bill: Yes, when they are in good repair. 2 to 4 phones
each dorm. Sometimes phones are hard to get to at
night when there is a long line. Rochelle: Yes, you just add your name to the phone list daily. Joyce: Yes the phones were accesible Mikey: during daytime rec hours we did Eric: No. Phones were available at certain times. You get
in line and wait your turn. People got into fights
often over the length of a call. Kirk: You have access to a charge phone from ten am. until
eight pm. Janelle: Yes as long as one was free Claudia: Yes, we had regular access to telephones.
JM: What types of charges applied for calling people? How much money would you guess the average inmate spends per week on phone calls? Bill: Service Provider: Global Tel*Link
Local: $2.49/15 minute
Long Distance: $4.84/first minute and 89cents each
additional minute
In addition, calling cell phones or any other type
of line that requires prepaid collect call
accounts, there was an additional $5 to $7 service
fee when paying with Visa/Mastercard Rochelle: Your party accept the call was all it took Joyce: I am not sure of the charges, but my family had
t buy minutes with a certain phone company in
order for me to be able to call home. Mikey: i think it was 8.50 for a 15 minute phone call and i
know i spent at least 30 dollars a week Eric: I don't know the costs associated with using the
phone. All calls, local as well as long distance,
had to be made on a collect basis. Kirk: 3 dollars per phone call. On average most spend
twenty-five to fifty dollars a week. Janelle: The family bought phone time by credit card or western union
I think. If I recall it was $25 per five calls Claudia: The person would have to put minutes on the phone.
I would say the average was $20.00 week
JM: Did you need to buy phone cards to call out? Bill: No. All phone calls are collect calls only. Rochelle: No Joyce: Yes, or either add money to an account through
western union and the calls would be subtracted
from the fund Mikey: no you did not need to Eric: No. In order to call anyone, even someone local,
you had to call them collect. If they wouldn't
accept the collect call, you weren't going to talk
with them! Kirk: no. Someone on the outside has to set up an account. Janelle: No the family buys phone time Claudia: No, I did not need to buy a phone card.
JM: Did the jail screen your calls? Bill: Yes. "All inmate telephone calls are recorded. The
use of call forwarding or 3 way calling is
prohibited and may result in termination of this call" Rochelle: I am not sure Joyce: I am pretty sure they did because I have seen
stories on the news about inmates in high
profile cases and they would release transcripts
of their calls Mikey: yes they screen all calls Eric: I'm not sure whether calls are screened. I do think
they listen in, at least occasionally. Kirk: Yes they tell you they monitor all calls. Janelle: Yes. They tell you they listen in Claudia: Yes, the jail screened all calls.