Interview with Bill, Rochelle, Joyce, Mikey, Eric, Kirk, Janelle and Claudia
JM: How long was your sentencing for? Bill: 1 Year County Jail Rochelle: 3 years Joyce: My case was dismissed after the details emerged. Mikey: i was sentenced to 14 days Eric: This was answered in the preceding question. I
received 18 months of Community Control (House
Arrest) which was later reduced to probation. Kirk: 60 Days county jail and 2 years probation Janelle: I spent a day in jail, and they gave me time served. Claudia: Three year. I spent five months in Duval County.
JM: Did you spend time in a holding cell after your sentencing? If so, what was that like? If you didn't where did they they take you instead? Bill: Same holding cell prior to sentencing. Rochelle: Yes, it took hours for them to come and get me and
then assign me to a cell. Joyce: The holding cell was extememly cold and we were
crowded in there one by one as we came from the
courtroom. There was no toilet in there and
standing room only Mikey: yes in the county courthouse i did and i was
horrible very dark and depressinganfd the guards
there are much more intence then at the jail
houseand then theres alot of peopletrying to bring
you down with there stories too Eric: Yes, I was placed in a holding cell nearly every
time I was arrested. However, under the somewhat
unusual conditions of this particular arrest, I
was treated very well and was in the holding cell
for less than 2 hours before being released. That
is the best I can recall anyway. The holding cell
is lonely. Time seems to pass like molasses
rolling uphill. It's stark white; everything in
there is hard. It isn't designed for comfort! Kirk: I didnt spend any time in a holding cell after
sentencing becuase the judge gave me two weeks to
report to finish my sentence. I bonded out after 28
days served. Janelle: Like I said, the initial appearance was the only court I had in
jail. After that they placed all of us in a small cell for hours. It
was cold, and we only had one toilet to use. Claudia: Yes.I had to wait three hours until court was
over. By then the cell became packed with women.
There was a silver metal toilet with a small metal
basin. It was loud and cold.