Interview with mitchell, Stewart, Adam, Jeffrey, Brent and Daryll
JM: Did you always have access to necessary medications? mitchell: no only when the nurse came n Stewart: there were never any meds available on the block Adam: I have bad reflux and they would not give me tums
or any other medication while I was there. nurse
said she couldn't subscribe it or order it for me
and I had to see her 3 times befor I could see
someone who could. I also started running a high
fever on a Saturday. none of the officers would
call a nurse for me and when I went to put in a
sick call slip the nurses told me I would have to
wait till Tuesday cause Monday was a holiday.
finally Monday morning I got a nurse that comes
into dorm to give medication to take my temp and
it was 101.8..tuesday it was 102.7...and finally
gave me ib profin Jeffrey: if you could get the c/os attention they had
asperin and antacid in the officers station Brent: no. medical treatment for anything was a joke Daryll: no, any medication you needed you had to wait
till the nurses came around to give out
prescribed meds so if you had a head ache you
would sometimes wait up to 6 hours for the nurse
to get there
JM: How did you get your medications? mitchell: i did not take any Stewart: if you just needed asperin or something you had
to wait for nurses to come around to give out
already prescribed meds and get asperin from
them. if you put in a medical request in a day or
so when the nurses came around on the med runs
they would have your request with them and they
would ask you questions about your condition
right there on the block in front of all the
other inmates Adam: a nurse would come into the dorm twice a day.
once in morning around 8 and once in the evening
around 9 or 10 Jeffrey: put in a request to go to medical and there was a
co pay of $4.00 every time you went and then they
wanted to give you whatever cheap substitute they
could for what you needed Brent: they were brought around on a cart by a nurse and
when they got to the gate they would yell your
name Daryll: if you were on prescribed meds you would wait
till the nurses came around with the med cart to
distribute meds
JM: What types of punishments were incurred for abuse of drugs? Did you ever witness this? mitchell: don't know Stewart: I never witnessed any punishment but a lot of
inmates would get meds for anxiety and other
ailments like lack of sleep and stress and then
they would all take their meds and get together
with other inmates and make "cocktails" with all
the meds combined Adam: I never witnessed it but I would imagine they
would put you in the "hole" for atleast 5 days.
and put you across street in other jail...just
seems common punishment for them Jeffrey: i never really saw anything concerning drugs
except for inmates saving and then taking larger
quantities than they were supposed to but the
inmate trustees that worked outside cutting lawns
would bring drugs back into facility and when
they got caught doing that they would get a write
up and lose good time and go to confinement Brent: every thing in this jail was about what the c/os
wanted to write you up for. but on the block
itself they didn't care what you did Daryll: the only abuse of drugs that I witnessed were
when inmates that were given trasidone would save
up meds to take more at 1 time to get a buzz