Interview with Harry, DoneMyTime, Linda, Missy, Josh, Alex, Chrissy, Gary, Greg, Charlie, Melissa, Harley, Billy, Jimmy and Hanna
JM: How long was your sentencing for? Harry: I was sentenced for 30 days in Jail. It was either serve the time or
lose my drivers license for a period of 5 years. I chose to serve the
time as 5 years is impossible for me unless I did not work or have
any responsibility. DoneMyTime: 4 months until bonded out Linda: 0 days.I called the prosecutors bluff. She said
she flew witnesses in for court. So, the day of
court we introduced her to my two witnesses. Missy: 10 YEARS DO 2. Josh: 10 days Alex: A week is the amount of time I spent in a cell Chrissy: 17 DAYS Gary: 5 years probation Greg: none Charlie: I was sentenced to 1 year in jail and 5 years of
probation. Melissa: I was sentenced to 3 days in jail. I reported to
the visitation center to turn myself in a couple
of hours after the same day I was sentenced. I
wanted to get my jail time done and over with. I
was in the jail for only approximately 16 hours.
They released me early. A recent law went into
effect in 2013 in the state of GA in which inmates
get credit for good behavior as soon as they enter
jail. This may have attributed to my early
release, but I was never informed and still do not
know how I was released so early. Harley: one year long .. long time Billy: 2 YEAR AND 2 MON Jimmy: 3 years thats was real long
JM: Did you spend time in a holding cell after your sentencing? If so, what was that like? If you didn't where did they they take you instead? Harry: Once I appeared for sentencing it was quite an odd evening. I
went out with my fiance to have dinner and drinks, to somewhat
"prime" myself for the experience I was about to endure.
Anyhow, I drank entirely too much that night, and was a little
scared to appear to serve time drunk. I ended up sleeping it off a
little while before I had her wake me up and take me in to Jail.
Once brought to Jail, I walk in the front door and tell the officer I
am here to serve my time. They looked at me like I was crazy for
turning myself in and coming in to serve time. The rest of the
holding cell information you will find in the earlier paragraph. Hanna: I spent 5 hours in the holding cell before they pushed the paper
work through to book me. DoneMyTime: yes, boring Linda: No. Missy: YES I DID,AND IT WAS HELL COLD AND HAVING TO SEE
FAMILY.IT'S REALLY SAD. Josh: Yes. After being sentenced, I spent
approximately 5 hours in a holding cell at the
courthouse until I was transported to the jail. Alex: The holding cell was open and comfortable. There
was a television on which we could watch Fox News. Chrissy: CALM COOL THINKING PROCESSIN MY THOUGHTS Gary: yes. your locked up! Greg: no Charlie: Yes, I was in a holding cell before they transfered
me back to the jail. Once I was taken back to the
jail I was told to pack my stuff and was released. Melissa: Yes, I did spend time in a holding cell. About
half an hour before shift change, inmates are
placed in a holding cell and given a meal. Shift
change is at 6AM and 6PM. I entered a holding cell
immediately and was in there for about one hour.
There were two other women in there who did not
speak to me sitting on the bench. They had
received their dinner and had already finished
eating. They were sleeping in the holding cell. I
just sat their silently and closed my eyes. Once
shift change is over at 6:00AM/PM it's not too
long after that when inmates are released from
their holding cell. Inmates then sit in rows of
chairs. Inmates have to walk down three steps and
this area is called, "the pit." All the females
sit on one side and all the males sit on the other
side. Men and women are not allowed to talk to
each other. Inmates have to raise their hand and
have permission to leave their chair to use the
restroom, make a phone call, or if they have any
other needs. Harley: yes i spent 10 hour in the holdin cell it was
cold alot of people they call your name too
dress u out then put in back in the holding cell
for about 10 more hours... Billy: YES SPEN ABOUT 10 HOURS IN A HOLDIN CELL IT WAS
SOMEWHERE ELSE Jimmy: yes i spent one hold day it was wet,cold lots
and lots of people more peopl comin in i was not
feelin too good about that at all not kool