JM: How many different blocks were there? Trisha: They are called pods... in the north housing there
are A,B,C,D,E,F. On the women's side there are
G,H,I,J,K and the mens south there are M,N,O,P and
Q for the women in the east. Jared: They had like an a-z set up don't quite know but guessing
about 16 to 20 Lucia: there were four diffennt blocks
JM: Did they have names? If so, what were they? Trisha: See above. Jared: Alpha charlie delta so forth and so on. Like the army or
something. Lucia: there was north housing south housing east housing
and west housing
JM: Which types of inmates were housed in the different blocks? Trisha: They keep the sex offenders in c pod, and
protective custody in H pod. Anybody that is
super high risk they keep up in booking. Jared: If it was the hole any one with any one .if IIT was dorms they
tried to go with the charges they have or the majority of the
people would rule out the weak like all racist men had a firm
well multiples when I think about it. Lucia: i'm one hundred percent sure what time of inmates
were in each house, i do know that north housing
was for violent offenders or people that had
gotten into fights in jail. mostly 23 hour
lockdown. east housing was the bigger of the pods,
a lot of drug charges and people coming back
through from their riders. the other two i am not
JM: What do you remember being the nicest and worst parts about the different blocks? Trisha: North housing is where they keep all the shit
sticks-trouble makers- because its more secure.
East housing is where you go if you are more mild.
A pod is for the super high max, and that's where
I always did my time. Jared: Nice I would say nothing .the worst I would say having to deal
with all the racist bull shit and people that were in there.even
some of the guards we'ree racist and I had to deal with that
also . It was difficult for me, my life has been prettey rough. Lucia: i was only in one block but i do know that the pod
i was in on my block was extremely nice. most of
the people coming through were kind and had a lot
of wisdom to spread about their experiences. the
worst was probably the amount of times people
brought up relapse when they were going to be released