JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process: : none Viola: I was called at my place of work and told i
needed to meet with the police for questioning.
I worked at a retirement home at the time so I
dtold my boss I needed to leave and drove to my
home where I was then cuffed and shackled and
taken into the jail. When I got to the jail I
was given an envelope a basket that contained
all of the things I needed like shampoo soaps
rooth brush a cup of lice shampoo (they do it
to everyone)etc. I was patted down and after
that I was asked to go into the bathroom strip
shower wash my hair with the lice shampoo and
dress in the jumpsuit I did so and was taken to
my cell where I awaited bond or court. I was
then taken to a room where there is a table
microphone camera and t.v. for video court.
JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested. : nothing Viola: The police were called on me by my daughters
father. He was very abusive and I allowed it
for quite sometime. Well this day in particular
i'd had it I worked sixteen hours the night
before and was up all night with a new born
doing my homework for English 101. He began
calling me names and I had it. I told him to
get out and he didn't like it so he slapped me.
I proceeded to throw anything in my reach at
him. He started choking me on the kitchen floor
and I was almost out, i reached up on the
counter behind me and there was a knife there
which I sank about 1/16th of the way just to
let him know i wasn't joking and i didn't want
to die. I proceeded to walk out go to work and
while working he called the police on me.
JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall. Viola: In court I was sitting in a chair in a room
with about six other women. I was facing a
television in which I could see and hear the
judge on and there was a camera and microphone
in front of me in order for the judge to see
me. I remember talking to the judge about my
arrest where I was and why I missed court and
was let out on my own recog.
JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of? Viola: My original charges were Domestic battery,
aggravated domestic battery and unlawful use of a
deadly weapon. The charge I ended up with was
misdemeanor domestic battery.