JM: Did you always have access to necessary medications? Seth: no only what they felt you needed Clark: Medication was dispensed twice per day. In the
mornings it was dispensed soon after breakfast and
in the evening it was dispensed right at lockdown
time. Some medications could be kept in your cell
such as ibuprofen/tylenol you could buy on
commissary though they limited the amount to I
believe 5 pills per inmate. Lisa: No they only gave meds twica day. If you had pain meds and
needed them at night they were impossible to get
JM: How did you get your medications? Seth: a nurse came around three times a day to pass it
out you had to get in line when she came or you
were out of luck Clark: The medications were brought in by a nurse on a
moving push cart and each inmates medications were
categorized in a sort of folder/filing system.
The inmates would all form a line for the
medication and she would look them up one at a
time and dispense the meds accordingly. There was
always a guard with the nurse and it was their job
to make sure the inmates were taking their
medicines. They would give you the medication
right next to a sink and watch you take a drink
right after swallowing the pills, and you had to
open your mouth afterwards to show it was gone. Lisa: The nurse would come up on the block. We would stand in
line. The nurse would ask us to open our mouthes to check
and see if we took them
JM: What types of punishments were incurred for abuse of drugs? Did you ever witness this? Seth: if they caught you hoarding your pills or with
pills you weren't prescribed they would put you
in the hole Clark: If they caught you abusing drugs, they would
remove you from the cell block where the incident
occured and either put you on the medical block
for a week and move you back, or just move you to
another block altogether.
People found selling or giving away their
medication risked losing it. Lisa: I know that did happen I believe they whoever was involved
they had to go to lockdown and lost visitation and
commissary privliges