JM: How long was your sentencing for? Seth: 50 months with 4 years probation after Clark: For my felony charge, Possession of Controlled
Substance - Class D Felony, my final sentence was
for 1.5 years and I was sentenced by Judge Gull.
All was suspended and served on probation as it
was my first adult criminal charge.
From the court page:
Sentenced (Judicial Officer: Gull, Frances C)
1. 35-48-4-7(a)/FD: Possession Schedule I, II,
III, or IV Controlled Substance
Comment ()
Confinement to Commence 03/01/2011
Indiana Department of Correction
Term:1 Yr 183 Days
Suspended: 1 Yr 183 Days
Comment: 49 days jail time credit. 1 1/2 years
Adult Probation; substance Abuse Evaluation
w/treatment; Choices at A.C.C.C.; Psych evaluation
w/treatment. UDS fees $235.00 to CDS. Appeal
Rights given and waived.
Condition - Adult:
1. Probation
2. Psychological Evaluation
3. Substance Abuse Evaluation Lisa: I was setenced to one year and one year
JM: Did you spend time in a holding cell after your sentencing? If so, what was that like? If you didn't where did they they take you instead? Seth: after sentencing they take you back to your cell
block where you go back to the routine until the
day the marshals' come to get you in the middle
of the night Clark: I waited months in jail to arrive at my sentencing
date (i.e. my bond was revoked due to catching the
aforementioned misdemeanor OWI) so that when I was
finally sentenced, and was authorized to serve it
on probation, I was released fairly quickly
afterwards. I would say it was about 3 hours
after court the order came down to the cell block.
I was taken from the block and put into a holding
cell for processing. This part took an hour or
two, and then I was released. Lisa: I was in a holding cell with other women. I had
accepted a
plea so others were not happy. I was a little
them and just stayed in the smaller cell