JM: Did you find it difficult to get along with other inmates? Please give examples to explain why you did or didn't. Ted: No, the type of person I am, I don't deal with
anybody. Lisa: yes most were mean and crazy and mental and most
were fighters and i just stay to my shelf didnt
think about that at all and read a good book Tania: i found it extremely difficult to adjust to other
inmates because i had been placed in the violent
offenders block even though my charges were not
violent crimes. i was locked up with murder
suspects and one in particular who i got a chance
to know told me to trust nobody, even her. i kept
to myself the entire time and learned a lot about
the kind of people in jail. Thomas: Personally I did not have any hassels probably due
to the fact that I have did so much time in the Past
[spent over 14 years in prison] so jail is pretty
mundane keep your nose out of everyone else's
business and and yours stays cool.
JM: What types of things did you have to do to avoid problems or fights with other inmates? Ted: I kept to myself so they was alright with me. Lisa: read and write and play cards and sleep and
cleanup and smile count to ten and relax and
look out window and take showers and watch tv
and listen to music do art and smile and read
bible and think about next day to and just relax
and about my life Tania: i had to do what i was told by other inmates based
on whom had been there longer, at least that is
what i was told. i was also told that there is a
certain way they do things and i was to comply
otherwise i would be dealt with. Thomas: I never really had to do a whole lot, I'd choose to
sit on my bunk to eat my meals this would get around
the "Your in my spot" theme that sometimes happens
at meal time, I'd show everyone respect by calling
them "Sir" until I got to know them. And would study
everyone while I was there.
JM: Were you able to choose an inmate as your cellmate if you knew one? How often would your cellmate(s) change? Ted: No, it was an open dorm, so you had maybe 30
people in the area. Lisa: every week we got a new inmate and i never knew
them beacuse i stayed to myshelf and stay busy
other thing and prayed and thinking about of
things and smiles Tania: i was not able to choose my cellmate. i had an
assigned cellmate and would get in trouble if we
switched without permission. my cellmate never
changed and there were not a lot of women on the
violent offenders block where i was. Thomas: You don't get to choose your cellmates in Marion
County and if your lucky You will be sleeping in the
day room due to the over crowded conditions of the