JM: How long was your sentencing for? Ted: I got 529 days with 40 days executed and the rest
probation. I was in jail for about 40 days. Lisa: i was in jai for 1 yrs Tania: six years with three years suspended. three years
on home detention with two do one. so a year and a
half on home detention with three years probation
after home detention was completed Thomas: One year Salvation Army Probation and all it entails
which is to such ridiculous standards the average
individual doe;s not make it and ends up back in
court for violation. What Salvation Army has to do
with the justice system other than making money I
can not understand.
JM: Did you spend time in a holding cell after your sentencing? If so, what was that like? If you didn't where did they they take you instead? Ted: Yes. It was uncomfortable. You have to sit up in
chairs all night. I was in there overnight, from
about 8:30pm- 7 or 8 the next morning. It was
really a small waiting room, not a cell. There
were cells in there but there were chairs out in
the middle where I got processed. Lisa: yes was in holding cell was sad and cold and
loud and mean and sound like death and mental
xrazy and ready to go and relax somewgere on
aland somewhere alse Tania: i was released that day. transported back to jail
where i was processed out a couple hours later to
be hooked up to home detention no more than two
weeks later Thomas: holding cells are always packed to compasity and all
individuals are shackled the whole time. freezing
cold and nothing to do no books, magazines, TV,
radio, just sit and sit and you may be there
frommorning 8;00am to 4:00 or 5:00pm.