JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process: Ted: I was intoxicated and ended up committing battery.
I ended up getting charged with battery,
confinement, attempted robbery. I was arrested
later that evening. I pretty much went to them
when I knew I was going to be arrested. Lisa: my attonery took care of everything and i just
went to court and told me everything that i have
to do to gett out of there and will her annd
gods help i was got out of go and smile all from
readinfg bible and being on god side and getting
faith together to Tania: i got an initial hearing to plea then a bond set.
you either make bond or you don't. it took me two
months and a about eight months to finally get to
sentencing. a lot of back and forth with the
prosecuters, judge and my public defender to
determine my fate. Thomas: After the initial arrest you see the judge the
next day sometimes on a TV monitor or in person
then there is the presentenceing date scheduled to
anywhere from six to twelve weeks away very slow
process, if a public defender is to represent you
well that usually does'nt happen until one or two
days before the presentening date.
JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested. Ted: I was arrested down the street from where the
crime was committed. Lisa: the police pickme up on coner being drunk and it
cursing people out and just asshole in my
coummity and started fighting the polise to and
i smile and didnt care and went to jail and
spend my time and now i an free woman and on god
side and happy Tania: no police stopped by my house. i was reporting a
crime committed against myself upon my visit to
talk to the police, they told me there was a state
wide warrant out for my arrest in which they could
not let me leave and had to arrest me right then
and there. Thomas: Can't say I have ever been to jail without the
police being involved but on my last arrest yes they
were already at my house when I pulled in with my
truck, was questioned, given the sobreity test three
times and finally arrested for DUI and open
container and taken to jail
JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall. Ted: My initial hearing was that Friday where I was
told what I was charged with. I was scheduled to
go 3 months later, but I ended up getting an
earlier court day (like a month earlier). My
fiance at the time was going down and talking to
the prosecutor for me and the prosecutor offered
me a plea bargain. Lisa: it was fine it more attrony talk and the judge i
nver talked at all i was just there and let me
attrony deal with the case and tell about me and
kudge just ask question back to attonery it was
alot of people in court room even the prisoners
to Tania: court was full of jargon i did not know. the
prosecuter laughed at me for not understanding
things but the judge was ok for the most part.
since never having a record i didn't know what was
going on most of the time and that my defender
really didn't have my best interest in mind and
was so overworked, he fell asleep in court once Thomas: Court in Marion county without a paid for attorney
is a joke and a mockery of the judicial system.
You are seriously "Guilty until proven innocent"
You are shackled dressed in jail attire which may
or may not fit you properly and though you are
allowed to spreak breifly in your behalf you will
most likely be cut short and ridiculed by the
JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of? Ted: I was convicted of confinement and they dropped
the other two charges. Lisa: dui and drunk and bening mean Tania: class c felony robbery were my original charges
and my conviction. the prosecution would not plea
down to lesser charges Thomas: On my last it was DUI and open container