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Interview with Viktor, Veronica and Paula

JM: Did you find it difficult to get along with other inmates? Please give examples to explain why you did or didn't.
Viktor: No.
Veronica: Some they were a bunch a young kids barely 21 and thought they were bad trying to prove something. But I just stayed to myself but I seen some fights.
Paula: I can get along with most people. But you have a lot of young kids in jail that think it is so cool to be in jail. So they have to act hard.

JM: What types of things did you have to do to avoid problems or fights with other inmates?
Viktor: Pretty much mind your own business. Sometimes, the guys that have been in there for a long time, or are looking at a lot of time get upset over little things, like a game of spades. Just don't antagonize anyone.
Veronica: I read a lot there is not a lot to do in a county jail. So reading was my past time and watched some tv or just stay in your cell since you have no cellmate you didn't have to worry if they was going to get along with you or not.
Paula: You just be yourself. Just you can tell when people are adjatated so you stay away from them. But usually I kept to myself any way. I was only there to do my time not make a bunch of friends. When I go home I probably wouldn't be friends with them anyway.

JM: Were you able to choose an inmate as your cellmate if you knew one? How often would your cellmate(s) change?
Viktor: No.
Veronica: In Johnson County you only have 1 person to a cell so you have no cellmates but sometimes you wish you had someone in there with you time would go by faster.
Paula: In the womens part you had no cellmate the cells are made for only one person. But it would of been nice sometimes to have someone in there to talk to.

Read about time off for good behavior in the Johnson County Jail