JM: How many different blocks were there? Bruce: I have no idea I was in two different areas. I was
in the 3rd floor above the old Louisville Police
Station and in the Kitchen Elvira: I am not sure on that.
JM: Did they have names? If so, what were they? Bruce: They did have names but I don't remember what they
were Elvira: I just know that we had the dorms and then there
was the crazy dorms and the young and aggressive
dorm(for the girls with violent charges and murder
JM: Which types of inmates were housed in the different blocks? Bruce: In the block that I was in at first the inmates
were all somewhat close to my age and non violent.
In the kitchen it was different ages but we had a
job to do so it built a bond . Like workers in a
job. I know the 4th floor was the young ones. That
was were you didn't want to go. Because they were
young and stupid. Always in trouble. Elvira: The fresh arrest for the girls just arrested. There
was the young and aggressive dorm for the violent
girls and the girls who were in there for murder.
There was the crazy dorm, which were locked down 23
hours a day. Then there was the work dorm, for
those with non violent charges, then the rest.
JM: What do you remember being the nicest and worst parts about the different blocks? Bruce: The nicest was working in the kitchen. We got our
own private cells. We worked an 11 hour shift so the
days went by faster. We got plenty to eat. Everyone
pretty much got along. The worst was when I was in
the 3rd floor above the old police department. It
was the boredom. Elvira: The crazy dorms were the worst, because they were
aloud out for 1 hour and you were alone in that
cell with them, there was a time when one of the
girls in our dorm was attacked while the girl was
out on her 1 hour and broke her glasses and nose.
The best dorm was our dorm 5A, because we were
aloud to be able to work, which helps your time.