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Interview with Bruce and Elvira

JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process:
Bruce: The Judge found me in contempt of court and issued the arrest order. The Jefferson County Sheriff came to my house and arrested me and then took me to jail. In the jail I found out that I had already been sentenced to serve 180 days or pay my ex-wife $6000 that I didn't have.
Elvira: I have no criminal history what so ever. They only went off the fact that I was in the news. So when I was suppose to be released on ROR, they wouldn't let me due to the fact that the news crew showed up at the jail. And my bond was set at $5,000.00 cash.

JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested.
Bruce: The Judge found me in contempt of court and issued the arrest order. The Jefferson County Sheriff came to my house and arrested me and then took me to jail. In the jail I found out that I had already been sentenced to serve 180 days or pay my ex-wife $6000 that I didn't have.
Elvira: My children and me was at a abandoned house when the police showed up at the door. I was there to get the kids away from a bad sitaution until my brother in law came home and was going to take the kids there. The police showed up and didnt care.

JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall.
Bruce: I was in jail for about a week before I was got my court date for the next day then I was taken to court the next morning and waited in holding for most of the day then taken back to the jail and given another date. When I finally got to go to court I remained in handcuffs and the Judge asked if I would pay the $6000 to my ex-wife. I said that I didn't have. He said then for the Sheriff to return me to the jail to serve the 180 days.
Elvira: The 1st time I went to court it was terrible the news crew was there. It's terrible when you can't defend yourself or talk. The 2nd time I went to court was the same just not with the news crew there. I went to court the 3rd time and that judge was great, but she had a conflict of interest. So I had to go to court again and then I took a deal.

JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of?
Bruce: I was charged with contempt of court
Elvira: My orginial charges was 6 counts of wanton endangerment, they kept those charges and refused to reduce them

Read about sentencing in the Louisville Metro Jail

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