JM: What else would you want a friend or family member to know if they have a loved one going to this jail? Lowell: I would let them know it's not an easy thing. the
familymember gets treated like they also are bad
people and did soemthign wrong themselves. It is
just as stressful for the people on teh outside. Ray: ITs hard to stand by them and visit but the
person in jail reallyneeds that support. We go
crazy in there time moves slow and you really
have no idea what we go through so try to have
some patience with the inmate.
JM: If somebody knows they will be serving time in this jail what is your advice to them? Lowell: I would tell them to prepare themselves mentally.
Its not easy and especially if its a long
sentence. They need to try to keep out of troubel
and occuppy themselves with good things when tehy
are in jail. Read, take classes, learn a trade.
do productive stuff to help you when you get out
to do something different so you dont end up in
jail again. Ray: Try to keep your sanity. Stay away from fighting
with other inmate and arguments. follow the rules
so your less likely to have more time added to
your sentence. read books or try to learn
something in there liek a trade or get your ged.
take advantage of whats offered.
JM: Please list any other jail or rehab facilities you have been to. Lowell: watertown correctional facility
gouvenour correctional facility Ray: watertown correctional facility
cayuga correctional facilitty