JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process: Lowell: they had asked alot about my prior charges. i
didnt have any victims so there wasnt anyone to
ask about. they asked me alog about my personal
life and relationships. also if i had any kind of
drug and history problem or mental health
problems. they asked if i had kids and married
that type of stuff. Ray: i remember them asking me alot of questions. i
think the judge didnt have much of a choice since
i had a gun charge it was a mandatory sentence.
they just made sure they gave an order of
protection to my wife since i had an assault
charge. i am not sure what else they did to
determine my sentence.
JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested. Lowell: I was picked up after a parole violation. They
showed up at my house to find me. I didn't report
to parole like I was supposed to. So after about
a week or so, they ended up looking for me and
finding me at my wifes' house even though I
wasn't supposed to be there. Ray: Yes I was on parole vioilation. The parole
officer and a bunch of undercover police showed
up. THey knew I violated paroel so they didn't
quetsion me. THey just showed up at my house
unnanounced and asked if Iwas there and then bum
rushed the house and took me in.
JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall. Lowell: It;s nerve racking. There is so much going at
once. You also dont't understand whats going on.
The are using legal terms and so not sure what
they are saying. It's confusing and you get
scared because you have to wait until it;s done
to ask your public defender, what the judge
decided. Ray: It's very confusing. You don't understand what's
going on. The judge and lawyers use words you
dont understand. You have to wait to speak to the
public defender to find out what happened. And
thats only if you can speak to the defender. So
its' very frustrating and scary at the same time.
JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of? Lowell: I had a dwi charge and gun charge. I ended up
with criminal contmept 1st and criminal
possession of a weapon in the 3rd. Ray: I had dwi charges and possession of a weapon and
assault charges. only the dwi was dropped.