JM: How many different blocks were there? Jorge: 4 on each floor, with 3 floors. Jeannette: no idea what this is Larry: There are 4 blocks in every pod
JM: Did they have names? If so, what were they? Jorge: By the floor. I was on 5 B. 5 A was the hole.
5C and D was on the other side of the hall. Jeannette: still no idea on what this is any more word Larry: They were just called a,b,c and d blocks in the pod
JM: Which types of inmates were housed in the different blocks? Jorge: 5 B was usually the school floor where they had
young kids getting their GEDS. 5A was the
hole. 4th floor was violent, rowdy. 3rd floor
trustees, women and mentally ill. Because it is
overcrowded they usually don't follow this
criteria. Jeannette: stayed in my cell Larry: I was on the fourth floor so it was a mixture really unless they
had medical problems or were females then they would be on
a seperate floor in the building
JM: What do you remember being the nicest and worst parts about the different blocks? Jorge: All the floors were pretty much the same as far
as niceness. On the 5th floor you had more
activities available because of the school, such
as board games. Jeannette: i stayed in an 8 by 8 cell only time i came out
was ofr manatory shower day and that sucked Larry: The blocks were all in the same big room so there was no
difference between any of the four blocks in the pod besides
the location of them in the not sure how other jails are
set up but the pod was basically all one big unit except for you
would get out of your cells at diffrent times