JM: How often could you receive visitors? Jorge: Once a week, every Thursday (it differs on other
floors). Jeannette: 1 day a week, mondays for my floor. could have 2
visists a day 2 ppl per visit Larry: You were allowed to visits a week for twenty min at a time, my
visiting day was on Wednesday.
JM: Was the check-in process lengthy for those who came to see you? Jorge: Not really. They pretty much came in signed
their name, made sure they had nothing on them.
Then the visitor would ride the elevator up to
the visiting room where the visit took place. Jeannette: nope, lines kinda suck but you wait in line walk
in tell the deputy whos there who you wanna visit
give him your id and he gives you a time Larry: Yes, sometimes family and friends had to wait for hours to be
able to see you and often times there were two many visitors
so they would not end up getting to see you at all, even after
they had taken the day off of work just for that reason.
JM: What was the visiting environment like? Jorge: Basically you sit in a big room with chairs in a
circle. Inmates sat on the outside of the
circle and visitors sit across from them on the
inside of the circle. They do have visit rooms
with glass between inmate and visitor, but the
jail doesn't use those because they are being
used as storage rooms. Jeannette: its a small room where we sit across from each
other, a deouty stands watch
20 mins later visitors get up and leave get ids
back and then your done,
yep so this word minimum thing sucks, cuz i have
nothing else to say about this question so yep hi Larry: The visiting environment was very uncomfortable and cold.
You were not allowed to touch at all even just to hug your own
crying mother, son, or daughter.they always made you sit in
your chair and watch ur visitor leave and then ud be
immediately strip searched after they had left.