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Interview with Richard, Dave and Jon

JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process:
Richard: They pulled myself and other inmate from one part of the jail and took us to a video conference room We where all pre-sentenced via live video recording. I sat in front of a a tv and camera with a mic. The judge told me was I was charge for and told me when I would be released.
Dave: Well i went to many different court dates and met with different prosecuting attorneys. They asked me questions about the crime and my past and even questions about my family and home life. They assessed me on a few different occasions before my actual sentecing date. I also met with my lawyers as well.
Jon: I was remanded to serve jail time prior to sentencing.

JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested.
Richard: I was arrested at my house and throw in jail. The neighbors upstairs called the cops on me. They came in drunk and noisy, I told them to quiet down and that didnt work so we started arguing. One of the guys spat in my face. So I picked up the first thing I could find and threw it at him.
Dave: No, i was driving in my car at night when i was pulled over by a police officer. They came to my car and said i looked suspicous. They pulled me from my vehicle and searched the caar and found i had a tin of drugs in the car. They then handcuffed me and put me under arrest.
Jon: I was took in to custody after a traffic stop.

JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall.
Richard: Very Brief. The defendant didnt even show up. Witch I felt proved he was lying about what happened. It didnt matter, It was me against three people. Who also happened to be white. My lawyer advised me to plead guilty. After I plead the judge sentenced me and there was nothing else I could do.
Dave: Court was very nerve racking the first times i went there. I had no idea what to expect when i had to get up in front of the judge. Everything was very formal and you had to be very specific with what you said to the judge. It made me very nervous and scared.
Jon: Court was nerve racking. I had to realized that the judge has my future in his hands. My soul was crying inside waiting for me time.

JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of?
Richard: Felonious Assault. It was reduce to a misdemeanor.
Dave: Possesion of Marijuana, Delivery of marijuana
Jon: •possession of drugs •child support •ccw

Read about sentencing in the Kent County Jail

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