JM: Did you get off early based on good behavior? Tom: No because I was basically just there waiting for
a trial. I had no chance at good behaviour early
release. Sonja: No i didn't have that option cuz i was only in the
jail when i was arrested until court. Kurt: yes, i only did around two thirds of my sentence
in the workhouse Marshall: No, because by the time they figured out how much
time to give me I had already served what the
prosecution was even asking for...
JM: What is the most time off you can receive for good behavior? Tom: Don't really know about that at Hennepin. Sonja: 1/3 of your entire sentence Kurt: i think it is around a third of your time Marshall: good time= 2/3... Get sentenced to 30 days and
you'll only do 20 with good time.
JM: What types of actions do you need to avoid in order to get time off? Did you ever witness somebody losing time off for good behavior? Tom: I'm thinking its like anywhere else, just stay
out of trouble, keep your nose clean. Sonja: You can't break any rules. No getting any new
charges. No getting in fights. Yeah i've witnessed
a few people lose there good time and some even
get time added. Kurt: you cant get into any fights or you would do 40
more days, someone ran away when they were on work
duty and they caught them and gave them more time Marshall: fights. Whether it be with another inmate, staff
or even yourself. An altercation is a quick lock
down if not a trip to the hole which means
automatic good-time loss and a higher
classification level.