JM: Did you find it difficult to get along with other inmates? Please give examples to explain why you did or didn't. Tom: I got along just fine. If you mind your own
busines stick to yourself you won't get bothered.
After a while you might make friends with guys
who have common interest, talk about sports or
your charges or whatever. Sonja: I personally have never had an issue with another
inmate. But i have seen fights between other
girls. The other inmates have always been nice to
me and helpful if I needed anything. Kurt: detention-no problems, no one was rude,
workhouse- no problems, i didnt see any fights or
really any serious arguments, no one wanted to get
into more trouble and do more time Marshall: Strangely enough I did not find it too terribly
difficult to get along in their.. One reason I
belive is just the fact that we're all there and
nobody wants to be... The other guys you see and
interact with everyday actually make the time go
by and it's amazing how resilient humans are just
in the fact that even in such a dark, demoralizing
and all around hell of a place like county jail,
after awhile you learn to laugh again and enjoy
the little simple things that you grow to depend
on to make it through each day..
JM: What types of things did you have to do to avoid problems or fights with other inmates? Tom: I never had that problem over there. Sonja: If you wanna avoid fights with other inmates, the
best thing you could do i think honestly, would be
to just keep to yourself for the most part and
stay out of the other inmates way. Don't touch
there stuff. Shower everyday! Don't take up all
the phone time. And don't be loud and annoying. Kurt: I pretty much kept to myself, I wasnt rude or
didnt borrow or ask anything from anyone, i didnt
insult or make fun of anyone, i was respectable to
everyone, when i first got their i sat at a table
with a few native americans and they said this is
the native table so i respected that and went to a
whit table Marshall: The biggest issue by far was the use and sharing
of the four phones they had in our 60 man quad...
Other than that the t.v. remote sometimes caused
issues and anything else would generally be petty
and quickly moved past. Though I will say when it
came to med time there were many a "almost-riot"
over who was in line first....
JM: Were you able to choose an inmate as your cellmate if you knew one? How often would your cellmate(s) change? Tom: I don't know about Hennepin but at other places I
heard you could do that. Sonja: In Hennepin county, the female unit that i was in
didn't have cells. There's general population
where it's all open and you share bunkbeads. And I
was in long term where it's also completely open
with 14 beds but each girl had there own bed. Kurt: in the workhouse we were in a cell by ourselves,
their wasnt room for more than one person to a
cell, in detion thier were about a dozen of us in
a room Marshall: No. My first celly was an illegal Honduran who
spoke very little English, but luckily was my same
age so we somehow somewhat connected without to
much verbal communication. After he left I
proceeded to get 9 cellys in one month. THAT. was
hell... the new guys not knowing your routines,
the sleep snoring and the flatulence... my God!!!