JM: How many meals did you get per day? Tom: 3 a day except Sunday when you only got 2 Sonja: we got 3 meals a day Kurt: three breakfast lunch and dinner Marshall: 3 "meals" if you could consider their appetizer of
Alpo left-overs a "meal"
JM: How would you rate the food? Please give details of why. Tom: On a scale of 1-10 I'd give it a 2 1/2 Sonja: I thought that the food in Hennepin county was
disgusting. Out of 10 i would give a 2 maybe. I'm
really not a picky eater but anything that would
have a chance to be remotely good, would be ruined
by them poring beans all over it for example. When
you picture a lunch lady making like a meatloaf
surprise, that's what the meals are like. And
every breakfast was just a fruit pastry thing,
every single day though and that's not enough food
nor was it okay because i can't eat those so i
never had breakfast there. Kurt: in the workhouse i would give it a 3, i think 1
meal made me sick and their were feathers in the
chicken, but most of it was decent and it filled
me up, in detention the food was was awfull and
everyone complained some people didnt eat some of
thier meals Marshall: 3/10. Its horribly bland especially when you first
arrive and especially if your a smoker.
Surprisingly and strangely enough though after a
long enough period eating the same slop week in
and week out you almost grow to enjoy it and most
people actually develop a "favorite" meal for the
JM: Did you have any favorite/least favorite meals? Tom: They used to serve mash potatoes but now they
give you some kind of oatmeal thing that's not
very good. They had a hamburger dish that I
didn't mind as much. Sonja: I don't really remember having a favorite meal.. I
think the food was disgusting and to drink they
give you this kool-aid like drink that's gross. Kurt: in the workhouse i likes breakfast , they gave you
cereal and a fruit and they had coffee, least
favorite was the asian meal that made me sick Marshall: At first I gave all my meals away, that lasted for
about the first 4 days until I went to court and
found out that that was going to be my new place
of residence for the next couple months, after
that you just kind of dig in and bear it.
JM: Were there any other snacks offered outside of meals? What was commissary like and how expensive was it? Tom: Only what you could buy at the commissary. Sonja: No there really wasn't any snacks available or
given to you. You had the three meals a day and
you're not allowed to save any of your food for
later so if you're not hungry at the time, then
you don't eat. Kurt: you could buy candy bars,ramen noodles, coffee,
hi c, snack cakes , ramen noodles were around 50
cents snack cakes were around a dollar 50 candy
bars came in small packs of funsize for around 2
dollars Marshall: Commissary was a joke in Hennepin county. You
could get 4 of each candy bar (snickers, 3
musketeers, milkyways) 4 of each kind of chip
(plain, Doritos or pretzels) and other than that
all you could get would be hard candies and
Kool-Aid mix...