JM: How often could you receive visitors? Tom: On Saturdays, Wednesday mornings or Monday
nights. Sonja: you could recieve visitors tues, wed, thurs and
sunday. if you're there monre then 15 days and
have children, children only can visit sat. Kurt: you couldnt have visitors in the wokrkhouse and im
not sur about visitors in detention Marshall: visitation was I believe 3 times a week. 2 evening
visits and a Saturday morning. If I remember
correctly you could have three visitors per
visitation hours if the crowd wasn't too long..
JM: Was the check-in process lengthy for those who came to see you? Tom: 20 to 30 minutes just to check in. Sonja: Yeah you wanna make sure to get there really
early because the lines get really long.
Especially Hennepin county, it's a very busy and
full jail. Visiting is 30 minutes but if there's
an especially large amount of visitors the time
could be reduced to 20. Kurt: i dont know , no on could come to see me, i would
have wanted any visitors to see me in their
loicked up anyway Marshall: Saturday mornings were the longest due to the
shear volume of visitors and the whole getting
patted down and everything that takes place prior
to the non-contact, through glass only visit.
JM: What was the visiting environment like? Tom: If was like those places you see in the movies.
Glass wall with a phone to talk to the person on
the other side. Sonja: It was basically how you see it on movies or how
you would probably picture it to be. A glass
window in between the inmate and visitor with a
phone on each side. It's a big reality check and
sometimes hard to handle. The visitor doesn't
usually want to see the inmate in that position
usually. And the inmate doesn't want visitor
seeing them that way. Plus it reminds the inmate
of the outside. Kurt: their was no visitor enviroment, you werent
allowed to have visitors in the workhouse, the
only thing you could do was right someone a letter
or call them on the phone, their was no visiting
people , but you could go out if you had medical
appointments or thign like that Marshall: It was basically a time to forget where you
were... Occasionally I had a couple close friends
come to visit but every Saturday without fail, my
mom would come see me. On one hand your so glad to
see them but on the other you feel so much despair
and embarrassment at how they have to see you and
when they leave. The 15 minutes feels like it goes
by in 2 blinks.....